New Release: Multi-Agency Reunification Services Plan Template

The purpose of the Multi-Agency Reunification Services Plan Template is to supplement a jurisdiction’s Emergency Operations Plan and/or Mass Care Annex and is intended to provide guidance and suggested procedures for a jurisdiction to consider in the development of a Multi-Agency Reunification Services Plan. This template is based on best practices and concepts and can be used by any jurisdiction. Additionally, the template can serve as an educational tool to assist jurisdictions, NGOs, faith-based organizations, the private sector, and other stakeholders who provide reunification services to understand the complexities of implementing a collaborative approach to planning and operations, including but not limited to: identifying  the various sectors that have reunification responsibilities and coordinating among them, assessing planning factors, determining protocols and understanding privacy challenges, learning terminology and determining methods of reunification. This comprehensive multi-agency document was developed in coordination with State Mass Care Coordinators, State of Missouri Department of Mental Health, the American Red Cross, the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, The Missing Persons Community of Interest, 2-1-1 Virginia, Civil Air Patrol, The Salvation Army, FEMA Headquarters and Regional Mass Care staff, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the National Library of Medicine and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Download the Multi-Agency Reunification Services Plan Template

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