The National Mass Care Strategy is based on five interrelated strategic goals,.

Build Scalability into Service Delivery
- Create an integrated National Mass Care Plan
- Support local and state engagement in building mass care capacity (gap analysis)
- Implement strategies for tiered response to expand available mass care resources
- Improve the effectiveness of disaster exercises in building mass care capacity, including scenario planning
Create the opportunity for improved coordination and participation
- Create a national platform community of practice with common templates and definitions
- Implement an integrated mass care resource deployment strategy that leverages the capability of all organizations while reducing duplication and improving source visibility
- Implement mass care asset management and coordination
- Improve communications and coordination, including Emergency Operation Center (EOC) coordination and partners
Engage the whole community
- Identify and remove barriers that limit volunteer, community agency, and private sector involvement
- Create a virtual portal to support the creation of a mass care community of practice through information sharing
Standardize Mass Care Practices
- Recommend and adopt mass care standards of practice
- Implement a standardized mass care incident management training program
- Promote the use of existing mass care tools
Strengthen and Unify Mass Care Legal and Policy Foundations
- Address gaps in FEMA authorities to improve delivery of mass care services that may require legislative action
- Assess gaps in other federal authorities that directly affect the provision of mass care services to meet Whole Community needs
- Assess gaps in existing federal doctrine, policies, and regulations that adversely impact national mass care capacity
- Assess gaps in existing federal doctrine, policies, and regulations that adversely impact national mass care capacity